
Rozcestníky, kde naleznete velké množství zdrojů, kterými se lze inspirovat: 

Health At Every Size Community Resources : haescommunity.com

The Original Intuitive Eating Pros: www.intuitiveeating.org


BACON, L., & APHRAMOR, L. Body respect: What conventional health books get wrong, leave out, and just plain fail to understand about weight. BenBella Books, 2014,

BACON, Linda. Health At Every Size:: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight. Dallas: BenBella Books, 2010. ISBN 9781933771588. 

BRONNIKOVA, Svetlana. Nebojte se jídla: principy intuitivního stravování. Přeložil Rudolf ŘEŽÁBEK. Praha: Euromedia, 2018. Esence. ISBN 978-80-7549-576-1.

HARRISON, Christy. Anti-Diet:: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating. New York: Little, Brown Spark, 2019. ISBN 0316420352.

KOENIG, Karen R. The rules of "normal" eating :: a commonsense approach for dieters, overeaters, undereaters, emotional eaters, and everyone in between!. Carlsbad, CA: Gurze Books, 2005. ISBN 0936077212.  

THOMAS, Laura. Just Eat It:: How intuitive eating can help you get your shit together around food. London: Bluebird, 2019. ISBN 9781509893911. 

TRIBOLE, Evelyn a Elyse RESCH. Intuitive Eating:: A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach. 4th edition. United States: St. Martin's Essentials, 2020. ISBN 1250255198. 


Food Psych - Christy Harrison Love : https://christyharrison.com/foodpsych

Going Beyond the Food: Intuitive Eating, Body Neutrality, Diet Culture, Mindset and Anti-Diet Podcast: https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/going-beyond-the-food-intuitive-eating-body-7QvJYoAe1h2/

The Body Image Podcast: https://corinnedobbas.com/podcast/ 

Sádlo: https://wave.rozhlas.cz/sadlo-8398667

Hrana: https://wave.rozhlas.cz/hrana-8600999

Don't Salt My Game - Laura Thomas : Don't Salt My Game - Podcast Addict

Body Kindness - Rebecca Scritchfield: bodykindnessbook.com

Body Love Podcast - Jessi Haggerty: thebodylovesociety.com

Love Food - Julie Diffy Dillon: dranitajohnston.com

Nutrition Matters - Paige Smathers: positive-nutrition.com

She's All Fat Pod - April Quioh and Sophia Carter Kahn: aprilkquioh.com

The Mindful Dietitian - Fiona Sutherland: Podcast: The Mindful Dietitian

Webové stránky






Bacon, L., Aphramor, L. Weight Science: Evaluating the Evidence for a Paradigm Shift. Nutr J 10, 9 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1186/1475-2891-10-9. Dostupné zde: https://nutritionj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1475-2891-10-9

Bacon, L et al. Size acceptance and Intuitive Eating improves health for obese, female chronic dieters. J Am Dietetic Assoc 2005;105:929-936.

Bégin C, Carbonneau E, Gagnon-Girouard MP, Mongeau L, Paquette MC, Turcotte M, Provencher V (2018.). Eating-Related and Psychological Outcomes of Health at Every Size Intervention in Health and Social Services Centers Across the Province of Québec. Am J Health Promot. 2018 Jan 1:890117118786326. doi: 10.1177/0890117118786326

Carroll S, Borkoles E, Polman R. Short-term effects of a non-dieting lifestyle intervention program on weight management, fitness, metabolic risk, and psychological well-being in obese premenopausal females with the metabolic syndrome. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2007 Feb;32(1):125-42. doi: 10.1139/h06-093. PMID: 17332789

Christoph MJ, Loth KA, Eisenberg ME, Haynos AF, Larson N, Neumark-Sztainer D (2018). Nutrition Facts Use in Relation to Eating Behaviors and Healthy and Unhealthy Weight Control Behaviors. J Nutr Educ Behav. Mar;50(3):267-274.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jneb.2017.11.001

Gan WY and Yeoh WC (2017). Associations between body weight status, psychological well-being and disordered eating with Intuitive Eating among Malaysian undergraduate university students. Int J Adolesc Med Health. Sept 13.

Gast JA et al. Examining intuitive eating as a weight loss program. Healthy Weight J. 2000;14:42-44.

Gornall, J and Villani, RG. Short-term changes in body composition and metabolism with severe dieting and resistance exercise. Intl. J Sport Nutrition, 1996 (6):285-294.

Homan KJ and Tylka TL. (2018). Development and exploration of the gratitude model of body appreciation in women. Body Image. 2018 Feb 8;25:14-22. doi: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2018.01.008.

Leahy K., Berlin K.S., Banks G.G., Bachman J. 2017. The relationship between Intuitive Eating and postpartum weight loss. Matern Child Health. 21(3):1591-1597.

Linardon J, Mitchell S. (2017). Rigid dietary control, flexible dietary control, and intuitive eating: Evidence for their differential relationship to disordered eating and body image concerns. Eat Behav. 26:16-22.

Mann, T. Medicareís search for effective obesity treatments: Diets are not the answer. American Psychologist, 2007; 62(3): 220-233.

Oswald, A., Chapman, J., and Wilson, C. 2017. Do interoceptive awareness and interoceptive responsiveness mediate the relationship between body appreciation and intuitive eating in young women? Appetite 109:66-72. PMID:27866989

Parham, ES Promoting body size acceptance in weight management counseling J Am Dietetic Assoc. 1999,99(8):920-5.

Plateau CR, Petrie TA, Papathomas A (2017). Learning to eat again: Intuitive eating practices among retired female collegiate athletes. Eating Disorders. 25(1):92-98.

Polivy, J. Psychological consequences of food restriction. J Am Dietetic Assoc, 1996, 96(6):589-592.

Schaefer JT & Magnuson AB. (2014). A review of interventions that promote eating by internal cues. J Acad Nutr Diet; 114: 734-760.

TRACY L. TYLKA, Rachel A. a kol. "The Weight-Inclusive versus Weight-Normative Approach to Health: Evaluating the Evidence for Prioritizing Well-Being over Weight Loss", Journal of Obesity, vol. 2014, Article ID 983495, 18 pages, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1155/2014/983495


Další zdroje je možno najít na konci článků uveřejněných v blogu na této stránce.

Další inspirace


DAVID, Marc. Pomalá dieta: jak jíst pro potěšení, energii a zdraví. Přeložil Michaela PAVLÍKOVÁ. Praha: Maitrea, 2016. ISBN 978-80-7500-197-9.

Shrnutí této knihy, můžete slyšet v tomto videu: Michaela Pavlíková - O výživě jinak 


https://www.magdakrepelkova.cz/- o něco víc alternativnější přístup, s kterým však sdílíme alespoň část filozofického zázemí 


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